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SCP-2050: Sciurine Crusaders


Item #: SCP-2050

The larger Fox Squirrel is not an original habitant of Ohio; it was only after Ohio was settled and most of the woods cleared away that the Fox Squirrel moved into Ohio. Fox Squirrels are the largest Ohio squirrel and are commonly called red squirrels – not to be confused with actual Red Squirrels, which are a distinctly different species. STUNNING photos capture a red squirrel jumping “to infinity and beyond” in pursuit of a precious hazelnut. The adorable critter was snapped by truck driver Ian Herd in Alness, Inverness-shire. Security camera catches delivery driver breaking it down. Red squirrel munches on delicious snacks in a snowy forest. February 5, 2021. Dog breaks up baby goat fight.

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2050 has officially been relocated to Site 118's Biological Environment Containment Zone. SCP-2050's biological environment zone is to mimic a deciduous forest resembling those that can be found in the United Kingdom.

The Foundation is to maintain one official envoy to SCP-2050 that can be contacted if necessary by SCP-2050. Said envoy is to remain neutral in all affairs involving SCP-2050, and is only to comment on events that directly affect the Foundation.

Description: SCP-2050 is a designation for the 'Sciurine Monastic Brotherhood of Poor-Fellows and Crusader Knights,' a monastic knightly order mostly composed of sapient members of the Sciurus vulgaris species, more commonly known as red squirrels, although the organization claims that 'all righteous squirrel brethren are welcome.'

Individual members of SCP-2050 (currently designated as SCP-2050-1-1 through SCP-2050-1-209) are equipped in armor resembling that found during the First Crusade. Metal for this armor is currently supplied by the Foundation, in order to maintain good relations with SCP-2050. In addition, SCP-2050 members are also equipped with weapons and other equipment present during the First Crusade.

SCP-2050-1 instances are genetically identical to non-anomalous members of the Sciuridae family, though SCP-2050-1 instances are capable of speech, and demonstrate some higher functions associated with sapience. However, SCP-2050-1 instances are unable to focus on complex tasks for long periods of time, and often lose interest in tasks before completion.

Members of SCP-2050 maintain that their order can trace its lineage back to the First Crusade, circa 1096 CE. SCP-2050-2 maintains that SCP-2050 was created in order to combat the influence of 'heresy and blasphemy.'

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SCP-2050 was originally housed in a stone citadel in Galloway Forest Park, Scotland. The citadel heavily resembled a citadel that was located in the region before being torn down circa the 12th century CE.

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SCP-2050-2 is a designation for the 'Grand Master of the Brotherhood,' the leader of SCP-2050, currently a 4-year-old red squirrel named 'Grand Master Robert Dunfeld, Master of the Order, Marshal of the North, and Duke of the Sciurus.' SCP-2050-2 is identifiable by its plumed helmet.

SCP-2050-3 refers to the leader of 'House Bushtail,' a noble house of red squirrels that comprises roughly half of the membership of SCP-2050. Members of House Bushtail possess a characteristic streak of dark fur running down their dorsal side. SCP-2050-3 is considered to hold de facto control over members of House Bushtail. SCP-2050-3 is currently a 3-year-old red squirrel named 'Sir Casper Bushtail, Duke of the Bushtail Sciurine, Master of Horse, and Knight of the Woodland Order.'

SCP-2050-4 refers to the leader of 'House Acornfist,' a noble house of red squirrels that comprises most of the other half of the membership of SCP-2050. Members of House Acornfist do not possess the fur pattern found in members of House Bushtail. SCP-2050-4 is considered to hold de facto control over members of House Acornfist. SCP-2050-4 is currently a 3-and-a-half-year-old red squirrel named 'Sir Hugh Acornfist, Duke of the Acornfist Sciurine, Lord of the Arbor, and Knight of the Leafy Order.'

Externally, SCP-2050 maintains a policy of extreme hostility towards any and all members of the genus Rattus, commonly known as the Rat family. SCP-2050-1 instances will seek to kill any member of this genus on sight. Aside from this, SCP-2050 currently maintains a policy of isolation, and containment of SCP-2050 is to focus on preventing outside awareness of SCP-2050.

Internally, SCP-2050 is politically unstable. SCP-2050-2 maintains little power over either house that comprises SCP-2050. According to SCP-2050-2, 2 civil wars have occurred in the past due to disagreements between the leaders of the two houses, leading to extreme diminishing in the number of members of SCP-2050.


SCP-2050 Acquisition: SCP-2050 came to the Foundation's attention when members of SCP-2050, lead by SCP-2050-3, were discovered attempting to besiege a nearby city. Members of SCP-2050 had actively attempted to seek out and kill as many rats in the area as possible. The heads of these rats were discovered mounted on pikes in front of an encampment that SCP-2050 had constructed.

According to members of SCP-2050, a decree by SCP-1845-1 had inspired the organization's attempt to 'conquer the holy land, for the honor of the king.'

Following a joint siege by the Foundation and elements of the GOC, SCP-2050 was convinced to surrender and enter Foundation containment, in return for a supply of food and metal. Requests by SCP-2050 to be contained with SCP-1845 were denied.

Red Squirrel Driver

Addendum: The following documents are transcripts of incidents and conversations within SCP-2050

January 21 has been designated Squirrel Appreciation Day (I don’t make this stuff up). The cute, fuzzy creatures with their amusing acrobatics are a common sight in Colorado. Squirrels live in Colorado year-round, gathering up food and making nests. So if you find leftover food littering your neighborhood, don’t assume your neighbors are piggy — it’s most likely the work of squirrels.

Squirrels often live near bird populations, especially if bird feeders are present, and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish bird nests from squirrel nests. Squirrels also make a chattering call that can be confused with birdcalls.

Colorado has two categories of squirrels — ground squirrels and tree squirrels. There are several species of ground squirrels in Colorado, ranging from the spotted ground squirrel on the Eastern Plains to the rock squirrels in the mesas and canyons of Western Colorado. Some species also live in the mountains. Some interesting historical information on ground squirrels can be found in the publications Life-History Studies of the Wyoming Ground Squirrel (Citellus elegans elegans) in Colorado(1931), The Ground Squirrels of Colorado (1924), A Contribution to the Life History of the Wyoming Ground Squirrel (Citellus elegans) in Colorado (1920),The Striped Ground Squirrels of Colorado (1914), and The Wyoming Spermophile or Ground Squirrel, Citellus elegans (1913), all available for checkout from our library.

The fox squirrel is common in the
Denver metro area. Photo courtesy
Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Tree squirrels include the fox squirrel, which is the species you are most likely to see in your backyard if you live in the Denver metro area. Fox squirrels are not native to Colorado. The other two species of tree squirrel found in Colorado, Abert’s and pine squirrels, live in the mountainous parts of the state. For in-depth information on the pine squirrel, see The Influence of Population Density and Body Size on the Behavioral Ecology of the Pine Squirrel, a 1988 publication of the University of Colorado-Boulder available for checkout from our library.


Basic facts on all of these squirrel species, including range, habitat, reproduction, scientific names, and tips on living with wildlife can be found on the Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife’s species profile page. Search our web catalog for more resources on Colorado wildlife.

Red squirrels drive slow imagesRed Squirrel Driver
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